This is the office for Zhang Yin. The basic concept is the protection that is offered by someone with power. So the structure has 2 offices, one for herself and the other for her employees. Parts of the spaces are either protected or not. For, Zhang Yin's office, the glazing used to reduce the sense of enclosure and increase the connection to nature, since her work is most likely to preserve the environment by recycling.

Fig 1: The place where Zhang Yin's elevator arrives at the bridge. When the elevator arrive s it complete the hole.

Fig2: The track that the elevator passes through to get to the office.

Fig 3: The elevator at the office. (This is without my own texture on the floor)

Fig 4: The huge beam extended from Zhang Yin's office above to the lower office. It provides protection.

Fig 5&6 : Lower Office with open side.

Fig 7&8: Zhang Yin's office, showing the glazing used in the wall and partly in the floor, to connect the two offices.
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