Saturday, May 10, 2008

Week 1: Mash Up

Ideas of power are spirit, interdependency, money, and eager.

Started out from a modest background, one can made himself into a worldwide folk hero.
"She's a visionary," ”Without Jobs, Apple is just another Silicon Valley Company, without Apple, Jobs, is just another Silicon Valley millionaire.” “Donatella brought a new sensibility to the house of Versace.” People could bring change and be the leader in an industry. Glamour life only the truly rich can achieve can be gain. Remember!? Key to success is dictatorial characteristic, confident, trademark, and criticize severely. Ebullient personality made a great saleswoman. Fighting for a position that he was never qualified to fill is genius effort “bigger than a very big grape, but smaller – just – than an apricot”. No matter what happened always assure original credo. Desire to be known as the world's richest chairman or chairwoman display how to get the best performance out of those what one has. Reward, triumph, and publicity are also the most significant influence for not losing ambition. Take opportunities, involve deeper will boost the earlier success.

Butcher, L 1988, 'Epilogue', in L Butcher, Accidental Millionaire: The Rise and Fall of Steve Jobs at Apple Computer, Paragon House Publishers, New York, pp. 216-218.

Barboza, D 2007, 'China's 'Queen of Trash' finds riches in waste paper', International Herald Tribune, 15 January, accessed 9 May 2008, <>.

Donatella Versace, accessed 9 May 2008,


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